Why is the font tag evil and depreciated ???

This topic is better suited to an HTML or web-dev list, but the bottom
line here is that CSS has been put into use as further effort to
seperate design from content. The CSS recommedation being in place
deprecates a lot of the old in-line style attributes, it is more robust.

As far as evil? It is because M$ introduced the tag as part of the
browser wars...which is still going on.

[tip, due to off-topicness of post]
Dynamically generating a lengthy SELECT query based on data received
from another query or array? Place the comma first in the dynamically
generated statement to avoid confusion

$qcnt =3D "SELECT RecordDate ";
while($r =3D mysql_fetch_object($dbid)){ // get data for SELECTs
incrosstab query
        $colname =3D "col" . $cn;
        $qcnt .=3D ", SUM(IF(RecordID =3D '" . $r->rid . "', Minutes,
0)) AS
" . $colname . " "; //COMMA FIRST!
$qcnt .=3D "FROM $class[$cc] ";
$qcnt .=3D "WHERE FileName =3D '" . $bn . "' ";
$qcnt .=3D "AND RecordDate =3D '" . $da[$f] . "' ";
$qcnt .=3D "GROUP BY RecordDate ";

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