Pete Morganic <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 7:39 AM said:

> so which tag should i use .. <div> <span> ???

You should use proper mark up is what you should use. Or I think some
people call it "the semantic web". Not exactly sure. But here is an

You might normally have:

<font size="1" face="verdana">Hi this is <b>my</b> text</font>

Instead you should have this:

<p>Hi this is <strong>my</strong> text</p>

You will also need a CSS file to define how the p tag should look.

p {
        font-family: verdana;
        size: 100%;

<rule of thumb>If you need something special that is not a block element
use <span>. If you need to group sections together use <div>.</rule of


* hope that helps and i hope i'm not wrong

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