On Jul 22, 2003, "Chris W. Parker" claimed that:

|Pete Morganic <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|    on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 7:39 AM said:
|> so which tag should i use .. <DEFANGED_div> <DEFANGED_span> ???
|You should use proper mark up is what you should use. Or I think some
|people call it "the semantic web". Not exactly sure. But here is an
|You might normally have:
|<font size="1" face="verdana">Hi this is <b>my</b> text</font>
|Instead you should have this:
|<p>Hi this is <strong>my</strong> text</p>
|You will also need a CSS file to define how the p tag should look.
|p {
|       font-family: verdana;
|       size: 100%;
|       }
|<rule of thumb>If you need something special that is not a block element
|use <DEFANGED_span>. If you need to group sections together use <DEFANGED_div>.</rule 
|* hope that helps and i hope i'm not wrong

"SPAN should only be used where no other HTML inline element provides a
suitable meaning. If a presentation such as bold or italic text would be
suitable on visual browsers, authors may prefer to use an appropriate font
style element. For example:

"<P><SPAN LANG=fr>La Rvolution Tranquille</SPAN> shook Quebec in the early
"<P><I LANG=fr>La Rvolution Tranquille</I> shook Quebec in the early

"The DIV tag is used to mark up divisions in a document. It can enclose
paragraphs, headers and other block elements."

However, "the DIV element defines a generic block-level container,
allowing authors to provide style or language information to blocks of
content. The element may contain any inline or block-level element,
including another DIV."

HTHemaiat (... even more and in addition to)

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