>> Execution speed isn't all that matters. In fact, speed is not the point
>> at all.
>Then you must be an PHPNuke or Typo3-programmer, beeing lucky to get at
>least 1 request per second ;).  Don't take it hard, but If you had ever
>been in computer-science [school|college|...] you would know that speed
>is all that matters.

troll. :)

Execution speed is most definitely /not/ all that matters, though it
really depends on the situation. It is often cheaper to throw
CPU/storage/RAM at a problem than it is to spend more developer time,
especially when one of the considerations is future maintenance or
upgrades. In regards to education, OOP-techniques and other lisp-isms
evolved in academic settings, in response to concerns about code
portability, maintenance, and elegance. Academic code frequently
sacrifices speed in the service of technique.

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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