> Hi,
> am Wednesday 23 July 2003 11:48 schrieb Joel Rees:
> > (You know that $accesses->count and $accesses->resetCounter() are at
> > least declared in the same class declaration. $accesses_count and
> > accesses_resetCounter() could be declared in entirely unrelated include
> > files for entirely different purposes.)
> That is the only benefit. But it's not OOP. If you need namespaces and can't
> take care of them w/o misuse of a semi-OOP construct youre not any more
> efficient with it.

???? misuse? (I leaned sideways and cross my eyes, then I stood on my
head, but that still makes no sense.)

> >> Is there any performance benefit one way or the other?
> > 
> > Programmer performance?
> > 
> >> I used EZ_Sql which is cool but didn't seem to speed things up in
> >> comparison to the said include file.
> >> Still don't see the beef.
> > 
> > Execution speed isn't all that matters. In fact, speed is not the point
> > at all.
> Then you must be an PHPNuke or Typo3-programmer, beeing lucky to get at
> least 1 request per second ;). 

Oh, yeah, gotta watch those bees.

> Don't take it hard, but If you had ever been in computer-science
> [school|college|...] you would know that speed is all that matters.


Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

Rate that troll, maybe a 4/10?

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