hmmmmm. Looks like on my localhost I can't seta cookie like this:
setcookie ("coach_access[login_id]", "coach",0,"/","$cookhost");
if I change it to just:
setcookie ("coach_access_login_id", "coach",0,"/","$cookhost");
it will work. But then my script won't work without a lot of re-writing because it uses $coach_access[login_id] instead. Any help here? Am I just doing something wrong? I can't set it with the following either.
header('Set-Cookie: coach_access[login_id]=coach');
But can as:
header('Set-Cookie: coach_access_login_id_=coach');
but again, I would have to re-write a lot of script.


At 12:34 PM 7/30/2003 -0700, Chris Shiflett wrote:
Can you try this example? Let's call the file cookie_test.php

if (!empty($_COOKIE['test']))
     echo "The test cookie was sent by the browser\n";
     header('Set-Cookie: test=true');
     echo "Trying to set the test cookie.<br />\n";
     echo "<a href=\"./cookie_test.php\">Test</a>\n";

I think it's best to start simple. Hope this helps.


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