--- Steve Buehler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> header('Set-Cookie: coach_access[login_id]=coach');

Well, that is ugly, but it is actually a valid name. The name of a cookie,
as described by http://wp.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html, is "a
sequence of characters excluding semi-colon, comma and white space."

Now, when a browser sends this, it will be something like this:

Cookie: coach_access[login_id]=coach

PHP, in an effort to interpret this "coach_access[login_id]" as a valid
variable name, will actually translate it into an array, so this will be
similar to:

$_COOKIE['coach_access']['login_id'] = 'coach';

Is this what you mean to do? It is best (in my opinion) to stick with
normal names for your cookies - names that would make valid variable

Hope that helps.


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