Since PHP plots the data according to the information in the database
then you know about where the data is located in the image. If PHP works
on a single plot coordinate then you need to increase the acceptable
clickable region and use this to find your point (otherwise people will
need to click on the exact coordinate pixel.

For instance:

    To go back to my earlier Ottawa example. You have a coordinate in
your database for Ottawa, let's imagine it is 1030, 720. To make an
acceptable clickable region we could decide that 5 pixels on either side
is acceptable for retrieving the information. By doing so we define a
bounding box for the location of the data. The rectangle would be:

   ottawa.x - 5, ottawa.y - 5, ottawa.x + 5, ottawa.y + 5

Now, since you want the information when the cursor is pointed at the
coordinate and not when the user clicks the coordinate you are
restricted to using a client side technology to determine what data to
display to the user (Javascript, Java, whatever else). This also means
you will need to send all of the information about locations in the
image to the user (possibly dynamically produced Javascript code). If
this is to be done then you are probably better off to calculate the
bounding box constraints at the client side, rather than on the server
and sending the extra data.


On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 12:38, Yao, Minghua wrote:
> Sorry I didn't ask the question clearly.
> I have a large table stored in a db. PHP plots the data in the table.
> I'd like the user to be able to get the relevant info of the spot when his
> cursor 
> points at that spot on the plot.
> -MY

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