On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 16:03:43 +0530, you wrote:

>Thanks for the message. Actually I tried only html files in the beginning.
>Let me explain my problem.
>I want to open a new window in  a link with a function as
>function newwindow()
>    window.open("/home.php?userid=user1","Homepage");

This is Javascript, right? This is a PHP list.

>when I click the link
> now the address bar has the following address
>How can I remove the "?userid=user1" in the address bar.

If you're passing that kind of data back and forth to the client I strongly
advise you to use sessions instead, as your current scripts have some fairly
major security holes that changing from GET to POST won't fix.


>I used method = POST for a button to go to new page. That worked well. So
>with a link how can I achieve this.

But to answer your immediate question, this seems to be a Javascript thing
(or just use an image instead of a button).

I would create a hidden form in the page and hook an onClick() event onto a
link which performs the form submit.

        if (isset ($userid))
                echo ($userid);

<script language="JavaScript">
        function newPage()
                document.getElementById("userForm").target = "_blank";

<form method="post" action="<? echo ($PHP_SELF); ?>" id="userForm">
  <input type="hidden" name="userid" value="user1">

<a href="#" onClick="javascript:newPage()">click me</a>

If you want any more information on this, I think you've reached the point
where you should be asking on a Javascript list.

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