Create a text file called .htaccess, and place it in the root directory of the "second" apache server, as stated below.

Justin French

On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 09:17 PM, murugesan wrote:

I am not able to locate the file you are referring to. Please do help
me I am very much frustrated.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "murugesan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] php.ini configuration can we have two include_path in file

The include_path can be set via a .htaccess file on a per-directory
basis... so, at the root of your "second" apache server, you could have
a file called .htaccess with something like:

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
php_flag register_globals off
php_value include_path '/path/to/your/include/dir/'

Have fun,


On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 06:39 PM, murugesan wrote:
        I am running an apache.In the php.ini file I have defined the
include path.
Now I want to run another apache in different port. The thing is that
that apache I need another include path in the php.ini file.
Is there any way to achieve this to have two include_path in the

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