Nicole wrote:
I have the hidden image code:

<img src=http://thetrackingurl/?param1=val1&param2=val2&etc... height=0
width=0 border=0>

This hidden image code is placed on the ThankYou page that people see after
they have bought something.  What it does is load a script on the tracking
site to let the owner know a sale was made.

The tracking site is different from the site that the product is sold on.

A cookie was placed on the client's (buyer) side to store where that client
originated from. So when the hidden image is called, the tracking script is
called and tries to access this cookie to retrieve where the buyer came

But the script just gets a blank cookie when accessed this way(via hidden
image); However, if the script was accessed directly, or the thankyou page
resided on the same domain as the tracking script (which created the cookie
to begin with), the cookie has the value that it was set with.

Do you set the cookie on "thetrackingurl"?

---John Holmes...

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