I don't accept third party cookies. Maybe your browser is set up so it does not too. Check the privacy & security settings.

Nicole wrote:
The cookie is being accessed by the same domain it was generated by. The
problem is, the script is being pulled up via a hidden image (which resides
on a different domain). So that may still be the problem anyway.



"Ernest E Vogelsinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

At 23:55 03.09.2003, Nicole said:

But the script just gets a blank cookie when accessed this way(via hidden
image); However, if the script was accessed directly, or the thankyou


resided on the same domain as the tracking script (which created the


to begin with), the cookie has the value that it was set with.


That's it - cookies will only be sent to the same domain (hostname) they
have been generated at. You cannot pass cookies between domains


-- >O Ernest E. Vogelsinger (\) ICQ #13394035 ^ http://www.vogelsinger.at/

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