Pass the value $this->_loginAttempts to the same page, assign it to
$this->_loginAttempts and then increment it.


"jsWalter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am trying to see how many times a person has tried to log in during a
> session.
> the login script...
>    $objAuth->start();
>    if ($objAuth->getAuth())   // is user logged in already
>       ...display hello page...
>    else
>       ...display login page
> OK, so far so good.
> If the user punches in anything wrong, the login gets displayed again.
> Now I want to track this iteration of attempts.
> In the START method, I did this...
>     $this->_loginAttempts = $this->_loginAttempts + 1;
> then I added
>     echo $objAuth->getLoginAttempts();
> before ...display login page... to see how it tracks.
> It always displays '1'
> To me, it looks like '$objAuth->start();' , which is called each time the
> page runs, which is each time a login attempt is made, is re-initializing
> all the class vars to their default state.
> If I make _loginAttempts = 8, then it displays 9.
> So, my question (this time) is how do I get the class to track this
> I hope I explained this well enough.
> I really don't think this is a PEAR::Auth specific question. I think it's
> just a "how do I keep this counter going in a class" question.
> Thanks
> Walter
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