"Curt Zirzow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> * Thus wrote Rx ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Theres absolutely no control over session.save_path parameter in php. By
> > setting it to every directory he wants, every user can:
> You can set the value with
> php_admin_value save_path "/tmp"

If i set php_admin_value, user STILL can change the value with ini_set()! I
tested it. php_admin_value only prevents changing value from .htaccess file.
Actually this also make sense for me, values set by php_admin_value shouldnt
be allowed to change ever.

> >
> > 1. (!!!) Absolutely easily generate new sessions with any content for
> > site on server.
> prevented with open_basedir. Can you demonstrate how you expect to
> do this? Using open_basedir most can also resovle this issue.

You didnt understand. I change save.session_path to other's site session
directory, do session_start(), write every variable what i want, write down
session number, go to this site and using this generated session. You cannt
prevent this ever!

> > 2. Delete other users sessions by setting gc to 100 and probably legal
> > starting with sess_*.
> This might be a valid point if you also mention that if the user
> sets gc_maxlifetime to a value of 1  or lower than cache_expire,
> and  the gc_probablity at 100.  Although I havn't tested, and
> probably should be.
> I'm also not sure but technically gc_maxlifetime should never be
> lower than cache_expire, if this is the case then there no issues
> with setting gc_probablity to 100, cept for a bunch of overhead for
> the users script.
Hm, what the connection with cache_expire? User set gc to 100 and
maxlifetime to 1 sec, then that script will delete every session in

> > 3. Flood every http server writable directory with thousands or millions
> > files.
> Don't allow the person to create files. That is the only way to
> prevent a user of doing this regardless of the save_path parameter.

No, its not a valid point. Every user can access only certain directory with
apache permissions or with his own. And i know which directory belongs to
whom. However with session.save_path user can flood EVERY directory on
server, and even i wont know which user did that!

> >
> > session.save_path should be controlled under open_basedir variable or
> > other mechanism.
> Perhaps a better solution would be to have a php.ini setting for
> disabling ini settings:
> disable_ini session.save_path,session.gc_maxlifetime

Well i agree, that should be done too.

> Curt
> -- 
> "I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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