> 1) please try $szPipe and see if you get any output.
> 2) if you are jailed in /var/htdocs/ your pathname /htdocs/qs 
> is incorrect.
> 3) I guess you tried running gs from the jail either as 
> yourself or as 
> root.
> please see if nobody or apache (the webserver's user) can run 
> gostscript.

1) When I echo out $szPipe I get "Resource id #2".
2) Oops, that chrooted in /var/www/. So I thought I should be putting just a
/htdocs/, no?
3)Yes I tried running gs in the console as root works fine and as myself and
that works fine. The user is www that runs httpd. How could I test to see if
www has access? To my understanding such accounts can not be used to log in
with. I have chown the /htdocs/ to be www:wwww.

> >Hi. I'm trying to develop a web interface to the ghostscript (gs)
> >application. I have the ghostscript syntax down perfectly in 
> the console.
> >Now when I go to try and do it in PHP I get nothing. No 
> errors, nothing just
> >a blank page with PHP logs turned on and errors turned on.
> >
> >I'm running Apache with PHP 4.3.3 on OpenBSD 3.3 i386. In my 
> case Apache
> >(httpd) is chrooted to /var/htdocs/. So I figured I would 
> have to copy
> >ghostscript and all it's dependencies to /var/htdocs/ at 
> least for it to
> >work. Still nothing. Here's the code I used below. At this 
> point I do not
> >know what direction to go to get this to work or if it is 
> even possible.
> >I've tried exec(), system() and popen() api functions. I get 
> nothing no
> >results, no errors what so ever. BTW, ghostscript does 
> appear to work fine
> >in the chrooted directory via the console. At this point the 
> below code is
> >all I have. The syntax for ghostscript shown below just 
> outputs the data of
> >the 2 PDF files to the pdfwrite so it will merge them together into a
> >merged.pdf file. Quite simple actually.
> >
> >$szPipe = popen("/htdocs/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
> >-sOutputFile=/htdocs/merged.pdf /htdocs/Sep08-113518.pdf
> >/htdocs/Sep08-113523.pdf", "r");
> >
> >I tried resulting to something simple to get this to work. I took the
> >example from the PHP manual system() page
> >(http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.system.php). In this 
> example is it
> >suppose to return "Last Line of Output: " and "Return value: 
> 127"? This
> >occurs with system() and passthru(). I thought it should 
> return the last
> >line of a ls would show in the console.
> >
> >Any ideas or direction on how to do this would be greatly 
> appreciated.

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