Backticks is simply the ` sign (usually the character above the tab). Popularly know as `hair on the ear` in my country :-)
for example if you want to invoke ls from php you just type

$result = `ls`;

hey presto the output from ls is now in your $result variable.

all the best

Adam Douglas wrote:

1) When I echo out $szPipe I get "Resource id #2".

Sorry i was thinking of backticks. btw have you tried it ? (backticks)

Backticks? Is this a PHP API function, I can't find it? That's the thing here I haven't been able to get things to work and I have no clue what I should use, exec(), system(), popen(), etc. gs just needs to be run, I do not require any output back from it other than if I can determine if it's been ran or not (true/false).

3)Yes I tried running gs in the console as root works fine

and as myself and

that works fine. The user is www that runs httpd. How could

I test to see if

www has access? To my understanding such accounts can not be

used to log in

with. I have chown the /htdocs/ to be www:wwww.

can't login yes. but you can try: sudo -u www /htdocs/gs

Okay, tried that and yes it worked.

Any more ideas? Is there any logs I could look at to find out more, I've
looked around but haven't found anything as of yet.

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