
Friday, September 12, 2003, 9:38:48 AM, you wrote:
TC> Warren -

TC> That works...


TC> Now the next challenge is to put the value in $text into the HTML editor with some 
JavaScript...any suggestions?

TC> Todd

TC> Vail, Warren wrote:

>>There may be other methods, but one that seems to be available from your form will 
>>require some JavaScript code.  Clicking the button located below the applet (onclick 
>>event), performs an
>>assignment to the textarea.value (located below the button) the result returned from 
>>the applet.gettext() method (actual statement below).
>>document.EkitDemoForm.TextViewer.value = 
>>I would suspect you could to this assignment to a hidden html field and then do a 
>>form submit to pass the "hidden" value to your php program on your server.  Don't 
>>forget to have your form action
>>field invoke your php program and with method=post you could retrieve the value as 
>>$htmltext = $_POST["hiddenfld"];
>>hope this helps,
>>Warren Vail
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Todd Cary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 3:36 PM
>>Subject: [PHP] Integrating an Applet with PHP
>>I have located an HTML editor written in Java that works with my clients 
>>various computers (e.g. Linux, PC and Macs).  What I need to do is learn 
>>how to take the output from an Applet and put it into a PHP variable.  
>>Since I have no experience with Java, I am at a disadvantage, so if 
>>someone could point me toward some literature that explains this or if 
>>someone already has the experience and can look at the source and tell 
>>me how, it would be greatly appreciated.

What I do in a similar situation is to pass the data in a hidden field
and then pass that to the java applet. As it is html you will be
passing you have to use rawurlencode($data) in the php script
$data = rawurlencode($data);
In the html part

<body onload="whatever.applet.Value = unescape(document.form1.data.value);">
<form name="form1" action=........>
<input type="hidden" name="data" value="<? echo $data?>">


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