I tried it on netscape and it works. My jre is 1.4.2. AFAIK this is the only stable jre after 1.3xx series. It's a simple matter to add a line of code to the java applet to do the base64 decoding if you are concerned about compatibility.

On the point raised about activex : The default plug in for ie (extremely crappy) is in fact an activex but that does not mean your applet behaves like an activex.

Todd Cary wrote:

Dan -

I am surprised that an Open Source applet would rely on ActiveX. It appears that there is something I am not doing correctly in setting the DATA param for Netscape.

Please overlook my ignorance about browsers and applets as I try to get a better understanding, but is BASE64 encoding/decoding a feature of IE and not , possibly, of Netscape?


Dan Anderson wrote:

why does it work in IE and not in Netscape 7.1?

I'm pretty sure ActiveX controls don't run on anything besides MS Windows Lockinware (TM). There are a number of other things that netscape does not fully support (try loading a page with an iframe tag in Netscape). You probably ran into another such problem.



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