Why are you using php:// below?  If stdin is a file './stdin' will
suffice (or the path instead of ./).  If you want to run the PHP script
in stdin you should use one of the following:
See the manual at php.net for pertinent sections...
>     if( ($stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin', 'r' )) === false )
>     {                                                     
>         echo 'Failed to open STDIN'."\n";
>         exit();
>     }          

I seem to remember stream_set_blocking being either experimental or deprecated.
If I remember correctly its for use with the function fsock_open().
>     stream_set_blocking( $stdin, false );
>     $count = 0;                          
WTF are you thinking?  You really need to read the documentation. 
Instead of this:
>     while( 1 ) 
>     {         
> echo 'Foo: '.($count++)."\n";
>         if( ($char = fread( $stdin, 1 )) !== false )
>         {
>             echo $char."\n";
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             echo 'Fooo!'."\n";
>         }
>     }    



$stdin = fopen("./stdin","r");
while ($stdin AND (!(feof($stdin))))
{ echo fread($stdin,4096); }


Much simpler, correct?

BTW: The infinite loop you have above could be the reason your script is
acting erratically.  PHP kills off scripts after they run for so long --
you may just be catching it in different versions of the loop.

Also BTW: I understand what you mean when you say CGI but not CLI
version of PHP, but I really don't think the term CGI applies in this
case.  CGI means Common Gateway Interface -- or a way to execute
programs in a special directory designed to keep them from r00ting the
system.  In PHP things such as headers are automatic -- no need to type:

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

It's a server side scripting language designed to be embedded in things
like web pages and be able to be run without much security concerns. 
(i.e. not running a CGI perl scrip as /usr/bin/perl (i.e. not in tainted
mode) -- ouch!  and these are the silly things users sometimes do)


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