On 14 October 2003 14:45, David T-G wrote:

> Mike, et al --
> ...and then Ford, Mike               [LSS] said...
> %
> % On 14 October 2003 11:26, David T-G wrote:
> %
> % > I ran a phpinfo() comparison and didn't see anything markedly
> % > different (except for how the output is formatted, which
> made things
> % > delightfully more challenging), but I also don't know for what I'm
> % > looking.  I also don't know what other information I
> should provide,
> % > but I'm
> % > hesitant to
> % > bomb the list with two phpinfo() outputs :-)
> [Dude, what did you do to my paragraph formatting?!?]

Not me, boss -- it's this crappy M$ Outlook thingie they force me to use at work... ;-Z

> % Well, rather than post two complete phpinfos, can you hone
> it down to just those entries which *are* different.  I'd
> OLD:
>                session.use_trans_sid
>                          1                 1
> NEW:
>    session.use_trans_sid     Off         Off

Oh-ho!! I'd seriously suspect this might have something to do with it.  Set this back 
to On on the new server and see what transpires.

> % It might also help to post a (short!) fragment of the relevant code.


>   session_save ;                                      # save for later

Actually this looks a bit suspicious too -- I'm not 100% sure that session_save is 
actually going to be called without parentheses () after it; that would certainly be 
the case in most of the languages I'm used to, but I could be wrong for PHP.  You 
should also probably include a session_write_close() to make sure you completely close 
out the session.

>   - includestuff.inc:
>   session_start ;                             # kick things off

And I'd have the same doubts about this.  Even stylistically I would prefer to see (), 
just as a visual confirmation that this is intended as a function call.



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730      Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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