Mike --

...and then Ford, Mike               [LSS] said...
% On 14 October 2003 14:45, David T-G wrote:
% > ...and then Ford, Mike               [LSS] said...
% > %
% > % On 14 October 2003 11:26, David T-G wrote:
% > %
% > % > I ran a phpinfo() comparison and didn't see anything markedly
% > should provide,
% > % > but I'm
% > % > hesitant to
% > % > bomb the list with two phpinfo() outputs :-)
% > 
% > [Dude, what did you do to my paragraph formatting?!?]
% Not me, boss -- it's this crappy M$ Outlook thingie they force me to use at work... 

Bleah -- sucks to work there, man!  But thanks for the help.

% > % Well, rather than post two complete phpinfos, can you hone
% > it down to just those entries which *are* different.  I'd
% > 
% > OLD:
% >                session.use_trans_sid
% > 
% >                          1                 1
% > NEW:
% > 
% >    session.use_trans_sid     Off         Off
% Oh-ho!! I'd seriously suspect this might have something to do with it.  Set this 
back to On on the new server and see what transpires.

Funny you should mention that...  I took a look at this today and it had
magically been turned back on!  Didn't matter, though -- and httpd was
restarted at least some hours after the ini file was modified, so it
should have picked up the change (and I checked phpinfo via httpd and it
shows on).

This is what lets me have sessions even without cookies, right?  Yes,
this is a Good Thing(tm).

% > % It might also help to post a (short!) fragment of the relevant code.
% [...] 
% >   session_save ;                                    # save for later
% Actually this looks a bit suspicious too -- I'm not 100% sure that session_save is 
actually going to be called without parentheses () after it; that would certainly be 
the case in most of the languages I'm used to, but I could be wrong for PHP.  You 
should also probably include a session_write_close() to make sure you completely close 
out the session.

I fixed this and session_start but to no avail.

The demo code that our ISP (who built and manages the system) used to
prove that sessions were working is

    session_start() ;
    $_SESSION["count"]++ ;
    print $_SESSION["count"] ;

and, sure enough, the count goes up as you reload the page.  Yay -- sort of.

So I stepped back and made *myself* a small page.  It's

  session_name('goof') ;
  session_start ;
  session_register('g') ;
  $passwordcom = "G" ;

  print "_POST IS<br><pre>." ; print_r($_POST) ; print ".</pre><br>\n"; ###
  print "_SESSION IS<br><pre>." ; print_r($_SESSION) ; print ".</pre><br>\n";   ###
  print "_SESSION[g] IS .$_SESSION[g].<br>\n";  ###
  print "g IS .$g. AND passwordcom IS .$passwordcom.<br>\n";    ###
  if ( $_SESSION[g] != $passwordcom )                           # no password (yet)?
    if ( $_SESSION[g] != "" )                                   # is this a second try?
      print "Invalid Password.  Authorized access only.<br>&nbsp<br>\n" ;
#      session_unregister('g') ;
    echo "<form method='post'>";
    print "Password:<br> <input type='password' name='g'>";
    print "<br><br><br><center><input type='submit' value='   ENTER   '>\n" ;
    print "</form>\n"; 
    session_write_close() ;
    exit ;                                              # nothing else to do

to mirror fairly closely the real page (in fact it's mostly taken from
the real page).

Something I realized as I was working on this is that we only ever refer
to the passed variable as $g (actually $pw).  That smacks awfully of a
globals setting; $pw is set from $_SESSION[pw] when present.  But all of
my global settings look the same.

The two results of this code are at


and are slightly different.   I'm still not sure what to make of it
all and I definitely don't know where to go next :-(


David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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