I am trying to find help or information on running the Java extension with
PHP under Apache on Redhat Linux using a Sun JVM.

I am aware that the PHP documentation says that the Java extension is
experimental. I am also aware that people say the ISAPI version does not
work well and that running PHP as a CGI should give better results. We've
tried, and so far it doesn't seem to be more reliable.

Oddly, it does work most of the time. However, maybe 3/10 times or so it
gives an error. When using the Java extension with PHP running as ISAPI,
PHP gives the error "Unable to create Java Virtual Machine" .. when
running as a CGI I get that or one of several different errors--again,
only part of the time. That is, when an error does appear, refreshing the 
page once or twice will usually bring up the correct output.

A bit more background: The company I work for has a single sign-in system
for web access. You check for a cookie and redirect to another site if the
cookie is not set.  That site authenticates the user via a web-based
login, sets the cookie, and redirects back to your site. Your site then
reads the cookie and decrypts it using a Java object.

At first, I was frustrated that the cookie decrypter was only available in
Java.. However, after a while I began to see why they chose to do it this
way: so that you could decrypt the cookie from various languages and
platforms, but they only needed to maintain one code base.

Now, I'm just frustrated that PHP doesn't work very well with Java.  
Myself and several others have looked extensively for the answer to this 
and we've tried all the viable remedies that have been suggested.  Does 
anyone have any suggestions?  Also, can it be confirmed or denied that 
Java support will eventually be dropped from PHP?  Plans to improve it?

Thanks in advance for any help or pointers!!

Kelly Hallman
// Ultrafancy

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