(Sorry for the cross-post; I'd like to get this solved, as I haven't been
able to find a solution for several months.)

I have installed mhash and libmcrypt (and mcrypt, for that matter),
configured php with both of the extensions, and compiled PHP (as a DSO), and
apache gives the following error when I attempt to start it:

Cannot load /usr/local/apache/libexec/libphp4.so into server: libmhash.so.2:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Here are the details:

- apache-1.3.19 compiled with
  (- mm-1.1.3)
  - mod_ssl-2.8.1-1.3.19 (compiled as a static module)

- php-4.0.4pl1 compiled with extensions:
  - libmcrypt-2.4.7
  - mhash-0.8.9

I installed mcrypt-2.2.6 as well, but I soon realized that the PHP
documentation said I should install libmcrypt, not mcrypt. Interestingly,
php never complained that libmcrypt was not installed during configure. I'm
not a *nix guru, and I don't understand completely how the dynamic linking
process works, but this seems wrong.

Any thoughts? I'm pretty desperate here. :-) Otherwise I'll have to start
using the openssl shell command.

Dean Hall.
Apt7.com Web Services

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