On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, Joshua wrote:
> I'm trying to change the string, for example,
> $string = "11.abcd.32.efgh.53.ijk";
> to
> 11.abcd.
> 32.efgh.
> 53.ijk.
> with ereg_replace. Like 
> ereg_replace("\.[0-9]","<BR>",$string);
> How can I recover the original characters after replacing them with <BR>
> in ereg_replace?
> ereg_replace("\.[0-9]","<BR>\\0",$string) gives me the
> wrong result like:
> 11.abcd.
> 32.efgh.
> 53.ijk.

Since the output you want and the output you didn't want are identical in
your post, it was hard to tell what you were trying to do, but...

I think this is what you want..
(minus the last decimal point, missing from your original string)

Kelly Hallman
// Ultrafancy

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