Flash has the ability to read in text files, so you could use PHP to output data in the correct format and use Flash to read the PHP script like it reads a text file. We did this in ASP once upon a time.

Here's a tutorial about reading text files into Flash:

Also, from what I understand, Flash now has a great XML parser, so you could use PHP to generate XML and Flash could read in the XML as variables. You might want to look into that, but I think it's only available in the newest version.


Eric Bolikowski wrote:
Hi everybody

I'm working on a site that will be based on Flash, PHP and MySQL. PHP will
work as a middleware for Flash and MySQL.

My problem is communication between Flash and PHP.
I'm really out looking for using the socket functions in PHP and Flash to
make fast connection.

I have googled for almost an hour now, and I can't seem to find any
interesting. The only info I find, is about sending data between Flash and

So if anybody has some general information on this or a link to a tutorial
on the subject, I would like to get those resources.

Thanks a lot


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