Hi all,
i've problem with mcrypt_cfb function.
This is the code:

$string = "A simple text string";
$key = "My key";
line 55: $encrypted = mcrypt_cfb(MCRYPT_IDEA, $key, $string, MCRYPT_ENCRYPT);  
$key = "My key";
line 59: $string = mcrypt_cfb(MCRYPT_IDEA, $key, $encrypted, MCRYPT_DECRYPT);  

I've alway this error message:

Warning: mcrypt_cfb(): Module initialization failed in 
/web/htdocs/www.automationsoft.biz/home/critto.php on line 55
stringa cifrata= 
Warning: mcrypt_cfb(): Module initialization failed in 
/web/htdocs/www.automationsoft.biz/home/critto.php on line 59
stringa decifrata= 

and I don't know where is the problem..
Is the sintax correct?
I see mcrypt function in PHP manual at www.php.net but I don't find the problem.
Can you explain me how use mcrypt function?

All helps are precious.
Thanks in advance.

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