Have you tried to check if PHP has been compiled with mcrypt?

try this on a page

Look for mcrypt directives, if not there you need to download it and compile it like so.

Get both the libmcrypt and mcrypt compressed archives
from command prompt on linux...
cd /path/to/libmcrypt.xx.tar.gz
gzip -dfrv libmcrypt.xx.tar.gz
tar -xvf libmcrypt.xx.tar
cd libmcrypt.xx/
./config --disable-posix-threads
make install

now do the same for mcrypt
cd /path/to/mcrypt.xx.tar.gz
gzip -dfrv mcrypt.xx.tar.gz
tar -xvf mcrypt.xx.tar
cd mcrypt.xx/
./config --disable-posix-threads
make install

now you need to compile php for mcrypt support
cd /path/to/php-4.xx
./configure --with-mcrypt=/path/to/libmcrypt/
make install

simple, now if your using apache on windows you need to get the windows executables from mcrypt.sourceforge.net

Also if mcrypt is already installed simple do a find
find / | grep libmcrypt
from a command prompt to find the libraries, if you cannot find it them install it, or just re-compile php to include support.

Hope this helps, it took me awhile to figure it out too.

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