On Sunday 22 February 2004 00:23, Dave G wrote:

> It's not as if I haven't experimented with different settings, but they
> haven't been successful.

By "settings" one usually means something which alters behaviour, as such 
str_replace() does not have any "settings".

> In any case, rocket science or not, I was actually looking for advice
> that might help me understand the logic behind the command better.

It simply does a straight replacement: replace A with B in string C

> I can't see anything syntactically wrong with the string I have put
> forward, so my current assumption is that there is something I don't
> understand about how the string input going into the command is parsed
> (it comes from a MySQL query), or about how the command interprets line
> breaks.

var_dump() every variable of importance and check that they are what you 
expect them to be. You might want to wrap the output in some <pre> tags so 
the browser doesn't eat up your "\n"'s.

> Perhaps someone could offer something a little more concrete than
> essentially recommending I just 'try different stuff'.

Anything more concrete would probably mean writing the code for you, that 
would be too easy (for you!).

Here's another tip: start with a small test string (forget about grabbing 
stuff from the db), do a simple replacement, check your results, make the 
string more complex, repeat.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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