Chris Shiflett wrote:

If you look at the first post above, it appears he is hitting
"Reply" to list messages, trying to unsubscribe by sending a post
to the list. If you look at the text of the return that he passed on
to the list, it also indicates he was sending his unsubscribe posts
to the list address.

If he hit "Reply," his message would be sent to the author of a previous email, not the list.

From what I can tell, he has tried to follow the proper procedure for
unsubscribing, yet some overzealous list members find it necessary to
ridicule him without actually reading his emails. No response is better
for everyone than ridiculing people, even if their behavior is clearly

If anyone has trouble unsubscribing from this list, please refer them to
the following page:

It will help one unsubscribe, even if it requires manual intervention.

Hope that helps.

Thank you Chris for some sanity - BUT to once again repeat the problem ...

I am having to use the newsgroup interface to get ANYTHING into the domain ....

The LONG bounce message I posted is one of many I have had since the new year in response to ANY messages I post via email. It takes up to 72 hours for that bounce to appear, and NOTHING gets through to the lists via that method. ( If someone wants copies of all of them to look at I can send them - including the unsubscribe bounces ! )

While I will put up with the newsgroup interface it is not my preferred method of working, but currently I receive email copies of the lists as well as having to access the newsgroup.

UNSUBSCRIBE from the eMail copy requires that I reply to the eMail the lists send me - AND THAT REPLY IS BOUNCED EVERY TIME.

This problem only happens with eMails to addresses ending and I have no problem with any other eMail list.

PLEASE do not keep telling me it is my own fault - PLEASE can someone at least address the problem rather that complaining that I am ignorant!

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services

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