On 4/20/2004 3:03:36 PM, Martin, Stanley G [Contractor for Sprint]
> This was the email I was looking for. I found my answer in this forum.
> Come to find out, the owner of Domehost.com was in jail and it was/is a
> one man operation. Too bad, everything they had was working great, just
> couldn't get any minor support from them. Got my money's worth and now
> it's time to move on.
> Thanks for the link Justin.
> Stanley G. Martin
> System Administrator
> Sprint - EAS Business Intelligence

Thats just like the hosts, being so inconsiderate to the clients....this guy
goes to jail and does not even think of telling his clients before hand that
he is doing illegal things..
These hosts just think of themselves...going to jail and all.



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