Pushpinder Singh wrote:
Hello all,

We are trying to incorporate a CGI Perl based E-Cart module into our PHP driven site. This is because the E-Cart supplied by our merchant uses CGI. I want to check with all of you if its possible to integrate PHP with Perl.

Will it be too much of a job ... or is it easier to create a new e-Cart software by ourselves ? Any comments / suggestion will be welcome !

Thanks in advance

Pushpinder Singh

I don't know E-Cart at all, but I'm sure it's possible. If it's database driven, displaying your products with php would be easy. However, moving from the php side of the site to the Perl cart may cause headaches (cookies, sessions, cart contents, etc.). You may be better off using a shopping cart which is built in PHP, like X-Cart or Squirrelcart.

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