From: "Pushpinder Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This is the situation at hand ... we have a PHP Session based Login
> module. The user is required to login to get to the Shopping cart
> (which is provided for by the Merchant) This shopping cart is CGI /
> Perl based. So my question would be to integrate the ordering with the
> PHP Login module, so that the Perl code knows the PHP session variable.
> This ways I can keep track of the the user name/email/ order status etc.

So all you really need is for a way for Perl to read PHP session files? Or
are you using a database for sessions? I'm sure this has already been
written. The session ID is available in a cookie or from the URL. You just
need to find the right file, open it, unserialize it and create your
variables to see if the person is actually logged in or not. No cookie or
session id in the URL means they haven't logged in.

---John Holmes...

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