
I'm trying to pass variables from a page to the other and, for some reason,
I just can make this to work. Here's what I'm doing:

 /* Insere Valores na talela Ramo de Atividade / Estabelecimento */
 $sql02 = "INSERT INTO te_ramo_ativ_estab (te_re_n_id, te_es_n_id,
te_ra_n_id, te_re_t_especific)
     VALUES(NULL, '$te_es_n_id', '$te_ra_n_id', '$te_re_t_especific_4');";
 $res02 = mysqlexecuta($id,$sql02);

 header("Location: ins_02.php?te_es_n_id=$te_es_n_id");

the variables are sent to the new page, and I'm trying to do this:

$estabID = $_POST['te_es_n_id'];

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for any help. :)


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