On Friday 18 June 2004 22:15, michael watson (IAH-C) wrote:

> ./configure --with-mysql=/usr/ --with-xml --with-gettext
> --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs
> make
> make install
> Everything worked fine apart from I am in exactly the same situation.
> Apache is working with one version of php and the command line version
> is different.
> I have even re-installed everything from scratch (apache and php) from
> source and still I get the same result - apache's version of php is
> still 4.3.1, despite installing version 4.3.7 of php

As you have the luxury of reinstalling from scratch then trash the existing 
apache directory (default: rm -rf /usr/local/apache) then install using 
instructions from the php manual.

> CAN anyone tell me how to get rid of this old version of php which
> apache insists on using????

  rm -rf /usr/local/apache

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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