Chris Wagner wrote --- napísal::

wondering how you might go about triggering PHP scripts from an apache
configuration file, for certain events...

for instance, how might i trigger a script whenever a file was accessed
within a given directory.  and, would it be possible to know which file
was accessed?

if the above is possible, could you also trigger different scripts for
when a "file download begins" and when a "file download finishes"?


Seems you want mod_rewrite. Lets say you have /download/ directory, then you put this in /download/.htaccess

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^.*$    handler.php

handler.php will be the script that will be triggered for all requests to /download/ directory, you can find out the real request from $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], do whatever magic you need to do. But don't forget that you will have to output the file yourself, in handler.php, including the right headers.

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