Daniel Kullik wrote:

Justin French wrote:


Looking for a one-liner to delete all empty elements in an array. I know I can do it with a foreach loop, but I'm hoping that I've missed an existing function in the manual which may already do this, or a simple one-liner to replace the foreach.

foreach($in as $k => $v) {
    if(empty($v)) {

--- Justin French http://indent.com.au

Though it's not really a one-liner:

while ($key = array_search('', $in)) unset($in[$key]);

For more infos on array_seach(): http://www.php.net/array_search


A note I forgot to addi in my previous posting:

You ought to think over what you consider "empty" since empty() would for example return true if the checked variable contained the integer 0 or the string '0'.

My posted line of code recognizes only an empty string as "empty".

You might want to take a look at this: http://www.php.net/manual/en/types.comparisons.php


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