
On 07/19/2004 04:00 AM, Curt Zirzow wrote:
Ok so a lot of bugs have been submited, and I do notice that they
are either green or gray. Of which, in case you didn't read the
legend. green == CLOSED (aka resolved and fixed!!!) gray == bogus.
meaning the person was using the function improperly.

One is currently assigned and is related to W32 with a 'rcpt to'
issue. The other *only* open one is complaining that the 5th
argument isn't working, and if you *look* closely at that open
ticket, I'm currently working with him to make sure it isn't a bug
with php.

Even if no open bugs means that the mail function of the latest PHP version does not have any bugs, it does not mean that all users are using the latest version.

And again (for the third time), you have no idea what version the
person is using.

As I said, anybody with enough experience can tell you what is your problem just from the sympthoms you present. You may ask more questions to be sure but certain problems are very sympthomatic of PHP mail bugs.

The truth is, PHP mail() function has always been a source of major headaches to many PHP user. If you really are concerned in making it better avoiding the problems that it leads, you probably would have more to gain in trying to understand what knowledge do I have to help making it better, than trying to diss me just because you want to hide that it was it very likely continues to be a major source of problems that often make PHP a nightmare for some users.

As I explained before, it is not necessary to know in advance the version that the person is using to state by the presented sympthoms that the problem may be due to bugs in the mail function, present or past (it does not matter).

Ok. let see.. mail('foo;bar;qoo', 'blah', 'blah');

mail functionality doesn't work.. you say its because of a possible
bug of mail()... NOT. and as I perfectly explained, ';' is not a
valid seperator for addresses.

If you did your homework and studied all the known PHP mail() function problems you would know that there are bugs that make the passed headers completely irrelevant, so when the version that the user is using has such bugs, writing the headers correctly would not help. My question to the user was to whether fixing the Cc: header would the problem. If it didn't, it was even more likely a PHP mail() function bug. Do you understand now?

look at all the google results to php-general and see how many
times you've seen me suggest PEAR as a solution. You will simply
find that I have suggested PEAR mabey 1 or 2 times out of the 3000 or
so posts on php-general.

Come on, you are not convincing anybody here. It is not a problem to be a PEAR zealot to me.

You're definition of zealot is really wired.

I am not a native english speaker so I can always make mistakes in using words in contexts that may not be appropriate. Anyway, my definition of a zealot is somebody that is zealous, which is also the definition in the dictionary.com .


Being zealous about PEAR is not a problem to me. Now, if that is your motivation to complain because I suggest solutions to the users made available in my site instead of PEAR as you did even claiming you are not a user, that is a problem to me because you intentionally are boycotting my attempts to help PHP users solve their problems due to a preference (read bias) of yours.

<quote me>

what ever you are trying to say about it being a bug or not, it is
one of the worst ways i've ever seen anyone try to plug their site.

</quote me>

I never once ever did complaing about your recomendation of your
site. I only suggested that you're aproach on promoting your site
was wrong.

It is all the same to me. Nobody asked about your opinions on whether I am promoting my site or not. For the users that appreciate my help, I am just trying solve their problems with solutions that I provide in my site.

Likewise, I can say that complaining about my recommendations to use something that is in my site, is one of the worst ways I have ever seen anyone trying to stop me from helping other PHP users.

pop in? where have you been?

I have been here in PHP mailing lists all the time listening to PHP users problems for more than 5 years. That has helped me evolve my solutions to make them more suitable to address their problems. And you? I do not recall you until recently. Google seems to not record you participation in php-general before July 2003. Maybe you were under cover! ;-)


Manuel Lemos

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