Jordi Canals wrote:

Dennis Gearon wrote:

 > remove carriage returns to prevent embedded email directives

In an other thread, I readed that sentence. I'm interested to find more information about that. I have some mail forms and want to make them as secure and possible, but do not know about what and where should I filter.

Should I filter all CR and LF Just in headers or also I should do that in the message body? (Which is sent in the SMTP DATA section).

After the big threat that followed my question, just want to say a couple of things:

I only wanted to know how to prevent embedded email directives sent by user, and if this directives can be found in the Headers or in the Body of message.

I normally use the mail() function (In Linux) and rarely use any class to send mail. Just because all e-mail I send from a website normally is plain text with no attachments. Even sending mails in HTML had no problems if we follow the standards.

The only problem I had with the function, was with a windows site and about bad header composition. I can see this is the only bug opened and assigned related to the mail function ( Hope Wez will correct it some day ;)

Except this case, the mail() function always worked for me.

Jordi Canals

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