
On 07/19/2004 11:45 AM, Justin Patrin wrote:
As you can see, Curt, and others, it's impossible to talk to Manuel as
he has an obvious bias for his own site and always assumes that
anything you say is an attack on him or his site personally. He
doesn't read what you write and says the same things over and over.

I just leave his posts alone now and give users the option of using
PEAR classes and simple PHP code as well. I really don't care if they
use something over PEAR, it's the user's decision.

Thank you for confirming what I previously described as "PEAR zealots that pop in once in a while". Curt was trying to pass the impression that this thing of PEAR zealots that try to compete with the PHP Classes site was something that I invented.

You may recall this thread below when you decide to push PEAR mail package to do something that the original poster requested but PEAR mail package could not do which was a way to send messages without relaying in an intermediate SMTP server, which is a feature that AFAIK, only my mail classes provide.


When you finally realized that PEAR mail could not do what the original poster asked, you even presented a copied solution that was proposed to PEAR but ended up being discarded for the lack of interest from the PEAR developers apparently because in the PEAR discussion it was proven that your implementation was weak as it did not address the concerns raised by them.

This is just to remind you that what you claim about me that I do not read what others write, applies directly to you because you systematically recommend PEAR solutions in reaction to my recommendations that happen to be classes available in the PHP Classes site.

I do not have a problem that you do that as long as you address the original poster problem, which often you don't. But "you should not through stones to me when your roof is made of glass".


Manuel Lemos

PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

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