On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 08:58:22 -0500, Jay Blanchard wrote:

> [snip]
> I know that this is somewhat off topic, but I just need a starting place
> to do the research and thought someone here might be able to help. I am
> developing an application in which I need to time how long a visitor
> remains within a module and how long they view each page. I can create
> the appropriate fields in MySQL and can use PHP to do the appropriate
> calcualtions. What I don't know is how I communicate this information to
> the server. I can use POST or GET statements to pass info with page
> turns but what do I do if the visitor leaves the site without logging
> out or experiences a machine crash?
> [/snip]
> The stats would be nearly bogus because of the habits of users. Let us
> say that I log in to the app. I have a look at the items on the page, I
> get up, go to the bathroom, talk to Bobbi in the hallway, wander back
> into my office, grab my coffee cup, go to the coffee machine, visit with
> Bob while I am there, realize that it is time for my first meeting, go
> back to my office, grab my notebook, head for meeting, arguements and
> disagreements abound, meeting takes way longer than expected, return to
> office, listen to messages, return calls, people wander in and ask
> questions about things, I check e-mails, return a couple. Before you
> know it 3 hours have passed before I go back to the browser window with
> the app clock running. Not to mention the two things you said above. 
> Why is this important? Just curious.

You are completely correct and I've already considered this issue and
discussed it with my client. But, they aren't bothered by the issue. The
app is an online education system that provides accredidation and all I
really have to verify is that the visitor (student) remained within the
module for a minimum amount of time. I know that the student can get around
this issue by simply leaving the browser open with one of my pages loaded,
but they'll still have to pass an exam at the end of the course. So, if
they just leave the page open and don't read the contents, they probably
won't be able to pass the test. At least I can report to the accredidation
agency that the student had the course open for the required amount of


Robb Kerr
Digital IGUANA

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