"Bruno Santos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello All.
> Im developing a couple of pages and i need to do some redirecting to
> another page depending
> on the choice of a user.
> The problem is, to go to another page, i need to send some parameters in
> the URL that are alredy present, but i need to make the redirecting
> independent of the page.
> if i use $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], i have only http://some_domain/the_page
> and what i want is
> http://some_domain/the_page?some_parameters=value&another_parameter=value
> the ?some_parameters=value are alredy present and i need to redirect
> them again...
> I know that are some fuctions to manage this, or not...
> any solucion ??
> thx in advance !
> Bruno Santos

Hi Bruno,

do a print_r($_SERVER) on the page and look out for the value/array key that
fits your needs.

Regards, Torsten Roehr

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