What is PECL ?

PECL is a repository for PHP Extensions, providing a directory of all known extensions and hosting facilities for downloading and development of PHP extensions.

The packaging and distribution system used by PECL is shared with its sister, PEAR.


Is it clear ?

It is the same thing than pear, but most of extensions are written with C in order to increase performance.

tidy is a php extension (PECL), for example.

Php extensions are all that is not in the php core.


Sam Hobbs wrote:

It took me a while to find an explanation of what a PECL is. I kept reading comments about things being moved to a PECL but I saw nothing about what is in a PECL or how to get anything out of a (the?) PECL. As far as I knew, there is a danger of all of PHP being in a PECL.

I could not (and cannot) find an explanation of a PECL when I start by going to the main php.net page and looking for one. So I searched for "PECL" and got a few results; one result is for vpopmail:


From that page I clicked on the link for the PECL and then modified the
address for the page to get to the pecl.php.net page.

Now when I search, I do see in the results the "PHP.net: A Tourist's Guide" page. That appears to be a very useful page. And now that I know to look for it, I do see a link to that page from the main PHP page.

So people should be able to find an explnation of what a PECL is, but I just want to say that it might help to make it easier for new people to find the "PHP.net: A Tourist's Guide" page. Perhaps a link to it could be put into the box on the left under "What is PHP?".

-- =================================================================== Frederic HARDY Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] HEXANET SARL URL: http://www.hexanet.fr/ ZAC Les Charmilles Tel: +33 (0)3 26 79 30 05 3, allée Thierry Sabine Direct: +33 (0)3 26 61 77 84 BP 202 - 51686 REIMS CEDEX 2 FRANCE ===================================================================

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