Did you try to see if $HTTP_GET_VARS can help you ?

Its an array of every variable posted by GET (the way you described)

Else :

Split the different key/values with the delimiter '&' and thereafter split the
elements in the array by '='

But first split the string into page and variables :

list( $page, $str ) = 

function make_arr_from_str( $str ) {
  $exp_arr = Explode( "&", $str );
  $new_arr = Array();
  for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count( $exp_arr ) ; $i++ ) {
    list( $key, $val ) = split( "=", $exp_arr[ $i ] );
    $new_arr["$key"] = $val;
  return $new_arr;

$array = make_arr_from_str( $str );

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Mike Gifford wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to build an array out of data submitted from a URL.
> Essentially, I want to pull certain records out of a database which have been
> selected on another form.
> The URL presently looks like this:
>       superRSS.phtml?150=1150&superRSS166=1166&superRSS168=1168&superRSS175=1188
> I'd like to take these independent variables and merge them into a single array:
>       $array_superRSS = implode (":", $superRSS[]);
> So I can then pipe these values directly into another function:
> while ($array_superRSS) {
>       display_superRSS($array_superRSS[]);
> }
> Obviously I'm missing a step or two here, but would really appreciate someone
> filling in some of the gaps.
> Thanks!
> Mike

Knut H. Hassel Nielsen
Principal Engineer / Avdelingsingeniør
Norwegian University of Science and Technology / NTNU
Department of Computer and Information Science / IDI
N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Phone Office / Telefon jobb : (+47) 73 59 18 46
Fax   Office / Telefax jobb : (+47) 73 59 17 33
Cell. Phone / Mobiltelefon  :       91 59 86 06

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