hahahaha, what can i do in 30 minutes... hmm.. install almost any linux
distro, most windows distros.. i could disbaled and enable my firewall
about 180 times.... i could read just one of the long winded emails how
i obsfuscate the thread with irrelevant solutions and wild suggestions
of inaccuracy...............sorry .. i had to ..


Curt Zirzow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> * Thus wrote Sam Hobbs:
> > "Jason Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> > >
> > > The firewall is relevant depending on your circumstances. In any case it 
> > > would
> > > take you all of one minute to disable your firewall to test out this "wild
> > > far out suggestion". At the most you would have lost one minute but you 
> > > would
> > > have either:
> > >
> > > - gained the satisfaction of saying "I told you the firewall was 
> > > irrelevant,
> > > now go away and stop wasting my time with your ridiculous suggestions"
> > >
> > > or
> > >
> > > - you would have found the cause of your problem
> > 
> > It definitely takes more than a minute. It takes nearly a minute just to 
> > logoff one user and I often have another user, the Administrator account, 
> > ...
> > I must restart ZoneAlarm, restart the system and be sure to plug the modem 
> > back in while the system starts. The whole operation is likely to take 
> > nearly a half hour at least.
> Um.. you do realize you have more problems than php not being able
> to connect to the database.
> Curt
> -- 
> The above comments may offend you. flame at will.
> -- 
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