I have some problems with the PEAR "standards", and I'm wondering what
others have to say about what the PHP developers are doing to overcome PHP's
obvious shortcomings.

It seems that one obvious improvement to be made to PHP would be the
implementation of real namespaces. It seems pretty simple to implement this
and stay backwards compatible with PHP3/4. Does anyone know if plans are in
the work for this?

The PEAR standards try to make up for the lack of namespaces . . . and I
suppose its the best that can be done, but it's simply awful! It not only
proposes a standard, it proposes to mandate naming conventions and coding
style as well!

I think the PHP developers should look to the example that Perl has set for
graceful, non-obtrusive namespaces that don't enforce coding style or naming
conventions for classes. (I mean, I don't have to name a subclass of "DB"
"DB_mysql" -- it can be "DB::Mysql".)

"Michael Kimsal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> If the people defining the PEAR standards really were that interested in
> standards, why include alternate ways of doing something?  <?=$blah;?>
> And if the 'short tag' method is useful enough for people, why 'exclude'
> from a standard?  This notion of 'PEAR standards' does irk me some,
> it's been so long in coming, and people are deferring to it before it's a

First of all, I think that the PEAR folk are on a different endeavor than
the PHP developers. The PEAR people seem to be trying to propose a good
standard for a language that needs some improvement. They're doing a decent
job, but I think PEAR should wait till PHP matures a bit.

Second, there is one very good reason not to use short tags: XML. All the
same, I'd rather just enable ASP tags than do away with short tags, as short
tags are irreplacable in templates rich in content and sparse on code.

My $0.02.

Dean Hall.

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