
    Thanks for pointing that out!  Everything works excellently now!

    Now, all I have to do, is run another ereg_replace() to look for any
duplicate full stops '.' and replace them with one, but I don't think that
one will be to hard.

For those of you interested, this is what the code looks like now:

if(strlen($flf_desc)) {
      $f_loc_lower = strtolower($f_loc_name);
      $f_loc_new = "";
      $f_loc_new = ereg_replace("[^_a-z0-9\.-]", "", $f_loc_lower);
      $f_loc_name = "";
      $f_loc_name = $f_loc_new;
      $path = $destination.$f_loc_name;
      !file_exists($path) or die("Unable to copy $f_loc_name to location
$URL_sitepath.<BR>Because $f_loc_name already exists there");
      copy($f_loc, $path) or die("Unable to copy $f_loc_name to location
$URL_sitepath. <b><BR>Please phone your admistrator immediatly ASAP</b>");
      $flf_loc = $URL_sitepath.$f_loc_name;
      $f_loc = $flf_loc;
      $flf_name = "$f_loc_name";
      $uploadline2 = "<b>$f_loc_name was uploaded succesfully.</b><br>";
      $uploadline3 = "If you wish to give a path for your clients to
download this file<BR>without having to log in, please send them this
URL<BR><A HREF=\"$flf_loc\">$flf_loc</A>";

Thanks the the help!



On 4/18/01 5:08 AM, in article 01041814104906.00662@chrisbig, "Christian
Reiniger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 18 April 2001 12:00, you wrote:
>>> Warning: REG_ERANGE in
>>> /home/httpd/www/ on line 91
>>> Here are lines surrounding 91:
>>> 89->   strtolower($f_loc_name);
>>> 90->   $f_loc_new = "";
>>> 91->   $f_loc_new = ereg_replace("[^[_a-z0-9-\.]]", "", $f_loc_name);
>>> 92->   $f_loc_name = "";
>>> 93->   $f_loc_name = $f_loc_new;
>> $f_loc_new = ereg_replace("[^_a-z0-9-\.]", "", $f_loc_name);
> That, and because the dash needs to be the last character in the
> character class:
> $f_loc_new = ereg_replace("[^_a-z0-9.-]", "", $f_loc_name);

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