Search the machine for "php.ini", I'm guessing that you'll find one in your 
main PHP directory as well as in your main Windows directory.  I believe the 
Windows directory copy is read first.  I'm not sure why.

At any rate, if it looks like it's reading the wrong copy of PHP.ini, searching 
your system for alternate copies and either removing them (should work) or 
moving your good copy should work.

Just looked it up.. yeah, it appears that there's probably a php.ini in your 
main Windows directory.

Also, lots of other good info on this topic at:

Also2, looks like restarting the web service may help in some cases.

Also3, since you've come over to the "dark side" as it where :), I'd recommend 
getting on the PHP Windows mailing list as well since some of your problems are 
going to be Windows specific and there may be people there with more experience.

Good luck Jay!


= = = Original message = = =

Done a phpinfo() to see if the CURL extension is really getting loaded?

Is your extension_dir (or whatever it's called) correct in php.ini?

The other thing that's caught me out when I've been forced to use that
degenerate platform, is that sometimes PHP is using a different php.ini
from the one you thought it was using, f.x. if there has been an earler
PHP install and someone's put php.ini in c:\windows\system32 or

The curl extension is not getting loaded according to phpinfo. The extension
directory is set in the php.ini to c:\php\extension

I just noticed that extension_dir in phpinfo is c:\php4 THAT AIN'T RIGHT!
Why is PHP not loading the proper ini file? This is probably the source of
my problems all along! ACK!!!!!

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