I *think* Jay is referring to submitting forms via GET.

Exactly. All of those with your foot in the proximity of your mouth may
put them (the foot's) back on the ground now....or up on your desk if
you prefer.

We have all been at our computers to damned long. We have a launch date
for this company 2 weeks out and the web site (which I accomplished in
under a week) is only about 5% of my job. BTW...I do not like the site.
I can do better given more time and will once I get he oter 95% done in
the next couple of weeks. The cool thing? I get to tie together *nix
systems and multiple database version for different things, do ACH
(using XML and custom API's), and all sorts of nifty systems integration
stuff. The glue? PHP.

Someone owes me a beer.

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