Hi Daniel,

Tuesday, July 24, 2007, 2:34:06 PM, you wrote:

> In order to enable cURL on a Windows box, you have to copy
> libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll from the DLL folder of the PHP/ binary
> package to the SYSTEM folder. (to be safe, you may want to do both
> C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ and C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\, but I think Windows
> allows you to `copy *.dll C:\%SYSTEM% - I'm a *nix guy, but I think
> I remember doing that on Windows a while back).

*Never* put PHP DLLs into the Windows System folder.
It's neither required, nor sensible.

Keep them where they belong - in your PHP folder.

> Then edit php.ini to remove the semicolon from the front of this
> line: extension=php_curl.dll

He must have already done this to see the output in phpinfo.

Dave - As well as the OpenSSL DLL do you also have a local certificate
created? (curl-ca-bundle.crt by default)



Zend Certified Engineer

"Never trust a computer you can't throw out of a window"

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