On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 00:23 -0400, brian wrote:
> Robert Cummings wrote:
> > When you use sort() the default behaviour is a lexical sort. This is why
> > the 100th index breaks your system. I'm not trying to be a dickhead,
> > just pointing out the flaw in your logic. You may be well aware that in
> > counting 100 comes after 99, but it would seem you are not well aware
> > that in a lexical sort 100 will come first.
> > 
> I realise that this has been going on for some time now but i did say 
> that this app will not--cannot--reach to 100. If it were to do so, my 
> "system" would have become broken *long* before it reached sort(). 
> Lexical sorting of '99' & '100' has nothing to do with this.
> Just pointing out the flaw in your persistence with this.

Actually your original message said the following:

    "Note that there almost certainly will never be more
     than 99 images to a series. In any case, i don't care
     about there being more than one leading zero. One is
     what i want."

"Almost certainly" last time I checked does not equal "will not".

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